Code Tip: D6085 Provisional Implant Crown

Sometimes even seemingly straightforward billing problems take months to resolve. When Jane Smith was hospitalized in central Virginia following a diagnosis of cancer a few years ago, she received a $1,600 bill from the hospital because she had stayed in a private room, which their...

New codes as of January 1, 2018 include something very interesting: D9995 Teledentistry--synchronous real-time encounter--This is reported in addition to other procedures such as diagnostic to the patient on the date of service D9996 Teledentistry--asynchronous; information stored and forwarded to dentist for subsequent review--also reported...

By: Belle DuCharme, CDPMA, CDC A healthy practice needs these three “C's” of success.   Let’s examine your cash, credit and customers: How about cash?   What is your production and collection statistics?   Are you producing to a goal set based on your realistic overhead plus margin for growth?...

Dental Billing