The Complete Dental Billing Outsourcing Handbook Preview

Almost all dentists understand the need to streamline insurance claim management. Dental billing is the lifeblood of your practice as well as your primary revenue stream. Without dedicated management, claims can fall through the cracks, leading to an ever-ballooning AR and stopgaps in cash flow....

When it comes to dental billing there are so many different procedures that it can be hard to remember how to bill each one. One unique procedure is the occlusal guard. Deceptively simple, it does require some specifics to bill it correctly…and get paid. Here...

Can dental professionals give up traditional case presentations regarding individualized patient care? What if there's another way? JoinBrandi Hooker Evans RDH-ER, MHE, MAADH as she explodes the myth that dental professionals must rely solely on case presentations for individualized care. Discover her revolutionary 4-step approach...

Dental Billing