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What is the best leadership style for my dental team?

As a long time practice consultant, I have had the opportunity to witness the impact of various leadership styles for practices across the country. One methodology that stands out above the rest in fostering a positive work environment, promoting employee satisfaction, and ultimately, driving practice success: servant leadership. Let’s explore the best qualities of servant leadership and how it can contribute to the long-term success of your dental team.

What does servant leadership mean for my dental team?

Servant leadership prioritizes the well-being and growth of leaders and those being led. It places a strong emphasis on listening first and speaking later, demonstrating empathy, and providing support to employees. A true servant leader is one who seeks to serve others first and foremost, and only then considers the exercise of authority. But what does this mean for your dental team?

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Actively listening to your dental team 

The foundation of servant leadership is active listening. As a dental practice owner or office manager, it is crucial to develop your listening skills to better understand your employees’ needs, concerns, and aspirations. By taking the time to genuinely listen to your team members, you create a culture of trust and respect that encourages open communication and drives practice success.

Offering empathy for your dental team

In addition to listening, a servant leader demonstrates empathy by showing genuine care and understanding towards their employees. Acknowledging the feelings and perspectives of your team members fosters an inclusive environment where employees feel valued and respected. In a dental practice, this translates to a more motivated and committed staff that works together to provide the best possible patient care.


A successful dental practice requires foresight and vision. As a servant leader, it is essential to anticipate potential challenges and develop proactive strategies to address them. A good way to stay on top of this is to ask yourself these questions:

By staying one step ahead, you can ensure the long-term stability and growth of your practice while also nurturing the professional development of your team members.

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Stewardship for the entire dental team

Servant leaders view themselves as stewards, responsible for the well-being and success of their team members and the practice as a whole. This means putting the needs of your practice and employees above all personal interests. By embracing this mentality, you can create a supportive work environment that promotes collaboration and professional growth. It’s easy to lead employees to greatness when you are invested in their success.

Prioritize your dental team’s development and growth

Now that we have explored the qualities of servant leadership, let’s discuss how you can implement this approach in your dental practice to foster a positive work environment and retain employees.

Servant leaders consistently invest in their employees’ professional growth. Offer regular training and development opportunities to your team members, such as:

This not only benefits your practice by ensuring that employees stay up to date with the latest industry knowledge and techniques but also demonstrates your commitment to their success.

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Encourage open communication between team members

Create an environment that promotes open communication and transparency. Encourage your team members to voice their opinions, share ideas, and provide feedback.

  • Ask team members to tell you of recent patient complaints or issues that require resolution
  • Never scold an employee for voicing their opinion and use every conversation as an opportunity for growth
  • Ensure staff are empowered in their positions and are able to speak to other team members freely, not just management

Recognize and reward success for the entire team

Acknowledging and celebrating the accomplishments of your team members is crucial in promoting a positive work culture. Regularly recognize employees for their hard work and dedication:

  • Mentioning “wins” at team meetings
  • Written acknowledgement and thanks
  • Tangible rewards such as bonuses, gift cards, and lunches

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Leading by example as a servant leader

It is essential to model the behavior and values you expect from your team members. Exhibit humility, empathy, and integrity in all interactions, and demonstrate a strong work ethic by being actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the practice. By leading by example, you inspire your team to adopt these values and work towards a shared vision of success.

  • Trust your team members to make decisions and take ownership of their roles within the practice
  • Empower them by providing the necessary resources, information, and support needed to perform their tasks effectively

This not only fosters a sense of autonomy and competence but also encourages employees to take initiative and contribute to the practice’s overall success.

Empower your dental team by embracing servant leadership

Implementing the servant leadership methodology within your dental practice can lead to a more positive work environment, increased employee satisfaction, and ultimately, a more successful practice. Focus on:

  • The well-being and development of your team members
  • Encouraging open communication
  • Leading by example

This is how you create a supportive culture that fosters collaboration, professional growth, and employee retention.

Outsourcing peace of mind with stewardship values

When you prioritize patient-centric care and empower your team, you pave the way for a thriving dental practice that benefits both your employees and your patients. The values of servant leadership are best shown through eAssist’s commitment to your peace of mind. When you outsource dental billing processes to our platform, we work to cultivate a positive culture within your practice. This is why we help your team, not replace them. Your staff need to take the burden off of dental and patient billing to best serve your practice. This is why it is our mission to deliver that peace of mind to you through a comprehensive platform suite of solutions. Speak with a Business Development Specialist today and allow us to listen to you first.

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By Penny Reed

Chief Growth Officer


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