HomeBlogThe Art of Crafting Dental Patient Recall Messages

The Art of Crafting Dental Patient Recall Messages

Lindcee Barrera

Lindcee Barrera

Talent Onboarding Specialist

Any practice can struggle with patient retention and recall. A family of five walks in one day and is always on time. Then months go by without anyone showing up. What happened? Is your practice too busy to see who’s falling through the cracks? Let’s take a look at some of the most practical ways to boost patient retention as well as craft the best patient recall messages that help get patients in the chair.

Best practices for dental recall messaging

Whether you’ve been sending emails, letters, or cards in the mail, there are plenty of ways to get in touch with your patients. However, some patients may not want to receive mail, or simply send your staff to voicemail when it comes to appointment reminders. How do you implement a plan that works in both retaining existing patients and bringing past ones back into the fold? Dental recall cards and messages can be an efficient way to extend a friendly greeting while also reminding patients of the importance of continual dental care.

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Creating the perfect dental recall message

Whether you’re sending an email or crafting your own printed cards, a personalized message is a must. Here are four crucial ingredients for your perfectly crafted message:

  1. Show empathy and understanding
    Acknowledge the patient’s concerns and fears and let them know that their feelings are valid
  2. Share success stories
    Share testimonials or personal experiences of other patients who had similar concerns but had a positive experience at the dental office
  3. Educate on the importance of dental care
    Explain how regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining overall health, preventing dental issues, and saving money in the long run
  4. Address specific concerns
    Ask the patient about their specific reasons for not wanting to visit the dentist and address those concerns directly

As well as this, make a point to let your staff know how to answer patient questions before an appointment. If someone has concerns about pain, alleviate their fears by offering sedation options. If a particularly extensive treatment causes financial worries, extend payment plan options and be sure to verify insurance prior to the appointment. It goes without saying that some of the easiest ways to retain patients is by ensuring that the pre-appointment process is smooth and thorough.

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Sample dental recall message

An email message tends to be the best way to “break the ice” when it comes to recall messages. Find a general example below to use:

Subject: It’s been a while, [Patient Name]! Let’s prioritize your dental health together.

Dear [Patient Name],

I hope this message finds you well. As the office manager at [Dental Office Name], I noticed that it’s been some time since your last visit. Regular check-ups are crucial for maintaining a healthy smile.

Our team at [Dental Office Name] is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care in a professional and friendly environment. If you have any current concerns about your teeth, we’d love to find a way to minimize your pain or sensitivity.

We understand that life gets busy. Give us a call at [phone number] or email us at [email address] to book your appointment at your convenience. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards,


Office Manager

[Dental Office Name]

Outsourcing your dental recall to the eAssist Full Schedule platform

Think about not having to worry about creating new recall messages every few weeks or months. The eAssist Full Schedule platform offers your practice the ability to put your patient recall system on autopilot.

  • Real humans, not robots or AI
  • Courteous and professional conversations, not scripted responses
  • Family/friend referral inquiry for phone conversations

The greatest part about Full Schedule is that you don’t pay unless we schedule. We start with the most recent six months’ worth of patients, then work our way up from there. That way, your Full Schedule specialists are best able to capture patients who are more willingly to schedule sooner rather than later. Take a look at our achievable brand promises to you:

full schedule patient recall brand promises

Elevate your appointments and fill your schedule

Your practice needs to be able to take care of the patients in the chair, not worry about having to put them there. Full Schedule’s hands on, white glove approach to your patients allows you to focus on what matters most. Let’s take an inside look at what you can expect when outsourcing to the Full Schedule platform:

full schedule patient recall messaging promises

Breaking down patient recall messaging ROI

  • The American Dental Association (ADA) estimates that the typical patient stays with a practice for an average of 7-10 years
  • During this time, they spend somewhere around $653 a year
  • Average income from our research determines an average $471 worth of income per appointment
  • New patients can create $4500 in revenue (excluding any referrals) during their time with a practice

Clearly, patient retention and acquisition is incredibly important for your bottom line. So is removing the time and energy it takes to get those patients into the chair. That’s where your Full Schedule specialists come in and take the burden off of your staff.

Streamlining your patient recall messaging

The Full Schedule platform gives your practice a comprehensive approach to patient retention. Whether it’s been weeks or months, your specialists work to approach patients in a professional manner that best represents the values of your practice. Regardless of specialty, your patients expect their questions to be answered and their appointments booked seamlessly. Full Schedule can make it happen.

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Don’t rely on traditional patient recall messaging

Gone are the days where your staff need to spend hours on the phone or workstation crafting the perfect message every few weeks. Full Schedule streamlines your retention processes to fully optimize new and existing patient scheduling. Plus, you don’t pay unless we schedule! Enjoy a no obligation month-to-month contract that gives you the peace of mind you deserve. It’s time to focus on your patients, not the calendar. Unless -of course- that is to schedule your personalized scheduling solution through the Full Schedule platform. Click the link below and let us know what your goals are. eAssist is here to help today.

dental recall consultation

Lindcee Barrera

By Lindcee Barrera

Talent Onboarding Specialist


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