HomeBlogIs your dental A/R giving you nightmares?

Is your dental A/R giving you nightmares?


Cori Anne Favro

Product Leader

October 28, 2022 Dental Billing 3 min read

It’s Halloween night and you’ve stumbled upon a never-before-discovered dental practice owner haunted house. You walk in, not sure what to expect, and quickly realize it is full of the scariest parts of dental practice ownership.

You take a deep breath, stand up straighter, and bravely make your way through the house. How scary can it be? You walk through the short-staffed room, past the ghastly empty chair room, and cringe through the angry patient review hallway.

But everyone knows that the biggest, worse fright is at the end of the haunted house — but what could be worse than all of that? 

Bone-chilling dental A/R balances

The final room in this strangely specific haunted house might catch you off guard. Did you even know this was what was keeping you up at night? Or maybe this may be an all-too-familiar recurring nightmare: your outstanding accounts receivable.

Piles of denied claims are everywhere, equating to revenue that isn’t being collected. The phone is ringing off the hook with patients calling because their claim hasn’t been paid and they are receiving EOBs from their insurance plan requesting more information. Terrifying.

You close your eyes and try to regulate your breathing. THIS has been the source of your stress as a dental practice owner. The outstanding revenue that should be in your bank account — but is ghosting you due to missed dental insurance billing steps.  

Achieve peace of mind by outsourcing your dental insurance billing

What if there was an opportunity to sleep more soundly knowing that your dental billing and A/R processes are managed, all the while allowing your staff to do what they do best? Put an end to the A/R nightmares by outsourcing your dental insurance billing and take advantage of 3 key benefits right away:

  1. A team of dedicated dental insurance billing specialists to streamline your processes
  2. Results based invoicing
  3. Allowing your staff to be more available for patients during the appointment process, creating great relationships with patients through positive experiences

eAssist can help 

eAssist’s award-winning dental billing platform offers your practice a knowledge base of 10,000+ years of billing experience and practical office management skills that can help take your practice to the next level. Whether that’s hiring more onsite staff or simply taking the time for that vacation your spouse has been bugging you about — whatever your goals, eAssist is here to help you get there. Commit to banishing the frights in your A/R and increasing your revenue by clicking here, and see how our platform can stop the dental billing nightmares and revolutionize your revenue cycle.


By Cori Anne Favro

Product Leader


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Dental Billing