HomeBlog22 Dental billing processes for dental practice success

22 Dental billing processes for dental practice success

Suzanne Henry

Suzanne Henry

eAssist Team Leader

January 3, 2023 Dental Billing, Dentists 3 min read

As a dental practice owner, the future of your practice requires hard work to be successful. Aside from mastering the clinical aspect of dentistry, there are 22 dental billing processes that directly impact the financial health of your practice. This list includes everything from insurance verification to patient satisfaction and experience, as they all play a role in growing a successful dental practice.  

Let’s consider a potential worst-case scenario: your key front office person — or the entire front office team — are out on the same day due to sickness or vacation or worse, leaving you stranded and frantic. Could you get through the day with minimal issues, or would you just want to throw up your hands and close for the day? The second option means a disruption in consistent cash flow. It also shines a light on the fact that you, as the dental practice owner, would highly benefit from a working knowledge of the 22 dental billing processes so you can hold your dental administrative team accountable and measure the success and growth of your dental practice.

So, what are the 22 dental billing processes for dental practice success? Great question! Let’s dive right in. 

Pre-appointment Readiness Plan:

Systems to Maximize Practice Collections:

Strategies to Increase Practice Production:

How do I manage the dental billing processes?

If you are looking at the list of dental billing processes and feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone. There are additional items outside of this list that dental teams need to complete regularly to keep a dental practice on the path to success. Practice success is a goal that requires the attention and planning of the entire team. The hard truth is that it is nearly impossible for the team to focus on practice success and patient experience with so many tedious daily tasks on their plate. This is where eAssist can help. Schedule a quick consultation today to discuss how eAssist can support you and your team so you can focus on what matters while remaining profitable. 

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Suzanne Henry

By Suzanne Henry

eAssist Team Leader


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Dental Billing