Office Manager Must-Haves

Office Managers

Office Manager Must-Haves

Here are all the OM must-haves to make your job easier: financial forms, morning huddle agenda, P&L template, etc. If you need it to succeed, you can find it here!

Morning template

10-minute morning huddle template

This easily fillable, and customizable, morning huddle template has everything you need to maximize your morning huddle efficiency.

Morning template

Financial agreement

Communicating the office expectations for outstanding balances needs to be clearly defined on the office’s financial form. If you need a detailed financial form to use in your practice, don’t worry, we have one for you!

Morning template

Team meeting themes

How do you give your team meetings a purpose? You can devote a theme to each team meeting for the month. This gives the perfect mix of variety and consistency to the meetings, allowing team members to prepare and get excited!

Morning template


Cross-training, role-playing, developing a referral system — these are just a few of the themes you could incorporate into your team meetings. Check out all of our ideas here!

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