Connecting dentists to billing contractors

Do-It-Yourself Outsourcing

You can completely outsource your dental billing, insurance verification, recare scheduling, and more using the eAssist Dental Solutions platform. Or, if you are just wanting to outsource a piece of your business needs or hire someone locally, we can help connect you to billing contractors that meet the unique demands of your dental practice. Complete the form, choose your package, and we will send you a list of contractors for you to contact at your convenience.

The Nation’s Leading Platform

for Dental Billing

Dyi image top
Collected for Dentists Like You

Package options:



449.99 + $250 non-refundable report generation fee



479.99 + $250 non-refundable report generation fee



499.99 + $250 non-refundable report generation fee

The contractors you will receive are not obligated to accept offers of engagement. You would be solely responsible for remote connectivity, communication, payment for services, and additional logistics associated with outsourcing. These costs can add up quickly. The alternative is to completely outsource your service needs using the eAssist platform to help and give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Dental Billing