HomeBlogNPI Reporting on Dental Claims | Ask a Dental Billing & Coding Expert

NPI Reporting on Dental Claims | Ask a Dental Billing & Coding Expert

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Francheska Diaz

Practice Booster

February 15, 2023 Dental Billing, Dental Industry & News 4 min read

A common question surrounding dental billing processes and provider credentialing is National Provider Identifier (NPI) reporting on dental claims. There is often confusion as to which NPI number to report on a dental claim form. Keep reading for more insight in our first installment of “Ask a Dental Billing & Coding Expert.” 

What is a NPI number?

A National Provider Identifier (NPI) number is a unique identification number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. The NPI is a 10-digit number that is used to identify dental providers in standard transactions, such as submitting dental claims, checking dental insurance eligibility, and referring patients to other specialists.

The NPI number is used to identify individual dental providers, as well as group dental practices, hospitals, and other healthcare organizations. Each individual provider and organization is assigned a unique NPI number that can be used in electronic transactions to identify them and link them to their practice services and dental claims.

The NPI number is publicly available and can be used to look up information about dental providers, including their name, specialty, practice location, and contact information. This can be helpful for patients who need to find a dental provider or verify information about a provider’s credentials and practice.

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Why is the NPI number important?

The purpose of the unique NPI number is to provide a standard, consistent way to identify dental providers, which can help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of dental claims processing.

Here are some of the key reasons why the NPI number is important:

  1. Standardization: The NPI number provides a standard, consistent way to identify dental providers, regardless of their specialty, location, or type of practice. This helps to streamline dental claims and reduce errors.
  2. Efficiency: Using NPI numbers in electronic transactions can help to speed up the processing of dental claims and insurance eligibility inquiries. It can also reduce the administrative burden for both dental providers and insurance companies.
  3. Compliance: Dental providers are required by law to have an NPI number and to use it for dental claim processing. Failure to comply with NPI requirements may result in fines or other penalties.
  4. Transparency: The NPI number is publicly available and can be used by patients and others to look up information about dental providers, such as their specialty, practice location, and contact information.

Overall, the NPI number is an important tool for improving the efficiency, accuracy, and transparency of dental claims processing in the United States.

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Which NPI number to report on a dental claim form

When submitting a dental claim form, the National Provider Identifier (NPI) number reported should be the NPI number of the rendering provider, which is the dentist or dental specialist who provided the treatment or service. This is the provider who performed the treatment, or — in the case of hygiene treatment — is responsible for the care of the patient, as hygienists and dental assistants are not rendering providers.

The current 2019 ADA Dental Claim Form provides separate fields for reporting Type 1 and Type 2 NPI numbers. Box 54 is used to report the Type 1 NPI and identifies the treating doctor. Box 49 is used to report Type 2 NPI and identifies the billing entity.

NPI dental claim form example eAssist Practice Booster

It’s always a good idea to double-check the dental claim form before submission to ensure that all of the information is accurate and complete.

The tool you need to send clean dental claims

Practice Booster has the industry’s most trusted dental coding and administration resources. The most popular resource bundle is Dental Coding with Confidence and Dental Administration with Confidence. These resources have more examples (as shown above), user-friendly graphics, and are packed full of information, tools, and solutions. Grab your bundle today!

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eAssist Dental Solutions is the nation’s largest platform of remote dental billing specialists and the only dental billing platform with Practice Booster’s coding experts on the team. You can talk to one of our Business Development Specialists to find out how dental billing outsourcing can give you the peace of mind you deserve — and support you with confident coding and insurance administration. Simply call 1-844-eAssist, email us at LearnMore@eAssist.me or schedule a consult here.

Fran 3

By Francheska Diaz

Practice Booster


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