Paycheck Protection Program

Loan Amount Estimator

We created this 7(a) PPP Loan calculator to help dentists and practice owners as they seek financial peace of mind in the midst of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Please know that we aren’t accountants or lawyers, we’re just dentists seeking to help our fellow dentists.

The calculations used here are based off of what we read in the CARES Act, but the fluid nature of this crisis and the government’s response means it is subject to change. Some lenders may not include contractors in payroll expenses, others do.

To find an SBA approved 7(a) PPP lender and apply for this loan, visit:

For more information on how to help your dental practice survive this pandemic, visit

Last Year's Payroll Expenses

From 2/1/2019 through 1/31/2020

W2 Employees

Do not include more than $8,333 per W2 employee
which is the monthly equivalent of the $100,000 annual cap.

Amount will be capped at $100,000
 Add W2 Employee

Other Payroll Expenses 2/1/2019 through 1/31/2020

Total Payroll Costs: {{ totalPayrollText }}

Average Monthly Payroll Costs: {{ averageMonthlyPayrollText }}

Estimated PPP Loan Amount: {{ pppLoanAmountText }}

Loan amount is 2.5 x Average Monthly Payroll Costs
Loan payments will be deferred for 6 month, with a max of 12 months
Expected loan term is 2 years
Expected loan APR is 1%
Loan amount is capped at $10,000,000

Estimated Forgivable Expenses

Monthly Estimated Forgivable Expenses: {{ estimatedTotalMonthlyForgivableExpensesText }}

Total Estimated Forgivable Amount: {{ estimatedTotalForgivableAmountText }}

For 8 Weeks After Loan Origination Date

Total forgivable amount is 2 x monthly forgivable amount (8 weeks specifically)
Forgivable amount may not exceed loan principal amount
Your estimated payroll costs have decreased by 25% or more, your forgivable amount may be lower than we estimate!

Estimated Remaining Debt After Forgiveness: {{ estimatedRemainingAfterForgivenessText }}

Your monthly loan payment is estimated to be {{ estimatedMonthlyLoanPaymentText }}
For the 18 months after your 6 months of deferred payments

We’re not giving any tax or legal advice. We’re not covering all details, conditions or requirements. Laws and materials are subject to change and the government will be providing more detail. Clients and others should independently confirm all information and work with their professional advisers to identify and implement recommendations appropriate in their particular circumstances.